Auditions - My Second Best Bed

My Second Best Bed by Barry Syder

Director: Moyra Brookes
Scheduled for: February 22nd - 26th 2022 at 7.30 pm.
Running time 40 minutes
  • Tuesday 26th October, 7:30 pm
  • Tuesday, November 2nd, 7.30 pm

If you would like to audition, cannot make the dates but are interested or would like more information please email me on [email protected], or please just turn up

Auditions for My Second Best Bed by Barry Syder, the second part of our February double bill, will be held at the Nomad Theatre on Tuesday 26th October and Tuesday 2 November at 7.30pm. This production will be staged in the main auditorium and will be directed by Moyra Brookes. The performance dates are 22-26 February 2022. The running time is about 40 mins.

The play

The play takes place in May 1616 in a room in “New Place” the home of William Shakespeare and his family in Stratford Upon Avon, three weeks after his death. The Curate has come to read the will! The sisters have a fiery relationship and explain to the curate the circumstances that shaped the way Shakespeare lived his life. In a poignant scene, the sisters finally reveal to the curate the reason behind the seemingly odd bequest of the second-best bed.


Susanna Hall: 34-44 Shakespeare’s eldest daughter, middle-aged housewife

Curate: 25-35 self-righteous church official, clerical mind with modern outlook (think Mr Collins in P&P and star-struck on celebs)

Judith: 32-42, the youngest daughter, bad-tempered. She runs the local tavern with her husband

Anne Hathaway: 60+ early onset of Dementia (very small part)

You can audition for both this and The Real Inspector Hound.

If you would like to audition, cannot make the dates but are interested or would like more information please email me on [email protected], or please just turn up

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