• Theatre

    Posted on November 28th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    Stepping Out - The Review

    On Thursday evening, the weather was at its most miserable, the entertainment on television even more so. The prospect of a good laugh was very enticing and those of us who went to see the Nomad’s production of Stepping Out were well served. There was laughter aplenty! On such an evening, to get the audience “going” [...]

  • Nomad Groups, Nomads News, Production News, Productions, Theatre

    Posted on November 25th, 2012

    Written by Charles



    Fiddler on the Roof

    Production dates: January 24th - February 3rd. Evenings at 7.30pm, matinees Saturdays & Sundays at 2.30pm. No evening performances on Sundays or Monday 28th Jan.

    FIDDLER ON THE ROOF has captured the hearts of people all over the world with its humor, warmth and honesty. The universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of race, class, [...]

  • Production News, Reviews, Theatre

    Posted on October 20th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    , , ,

    Fawlty Towers - The Review

    Fawlty Towers – The Review

    Fawlty Towers by ‘Ben’

    How dare an amateur dramatic company have the temerity to attempt to reproduce everyone’s favourite TV sit com on the stage? Were the Nomads attempting the impossible? Most stage versions of television hits carry the injunction “Don’t try to do an impression of the original actors – create you own [...]

  • Theatre

    Posted on July 29th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    RENT - The Review

    A Nomads performance Aug 22nd
    Vivacious, gritty, explicit, moving, thought provoking, anarchic, exuberant, hugely committed, energetic, physical, musically challenging, sensitive in content, enthusiastic, LOUD……… these were words that I jotted down as I watched what was an amazing performance.
    I am not a huge fan of rock. Opera I enjoy depending what it is, but the combination [...]

  • Nomad Groups, Reviews, Theatre

    Posted on July 29th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    RENT - another Review

    Rent is a complex story set against the background of drugs, AIDS, lesbian and gay relationships in New York in the 80’s; this musical aims to break down some of the barriers and discrimination which existed then and still to a certain extent, exists today.
    The single complicated set, on different levels, was well designed with [...]

  • Auditions, Nomad Groups, Production News, Productions, Theatre

    Posted on July 28th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    , , ,

    Auditions - Fiddler on the Roof

    Auditions – Fiddler on the Roof

    The Nomads will be presenting
    in the new year. (January 22 to 1 February)
    Auditions will be held at the theatre on Sunday 26 August and Sunday 2 September from 10am on both days.
    EXTRA DATE Saturday 8th September from 3pm
    Call Steve 07882334669 or email fotr2012@hotmail.co.uk to find out further details and to book audition [...]

  • Nomad Groups, Production News, Productions, Reviews, Theatre

    Posted on July 26th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    Hello Dolly - The Review

    Hello Dolly – The Review

    by ‘Ben’
    This show became one of the most iconic Broadway shows of its era, the latter half of the 1960s, running for 2,844 performances, and was for a time the longest-running musical in Broadway history.
    There are few musicals in which every song is a potential “hit” – Annie Get Your Gun, The Boy Friend, West Side [...]

  • Play in a Week 2012

    Play in a Week 2012

    It‘s the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics. Six people are all on their way up to their seats, ready to watch the show. Suddenly, the lift breaks down. Whilst waiting to be rescued they dream of their own opening ceremonies, not as grand as the Olympics perhaps, but just as worthy of being [...]

  • Nomad Groups, Nomads News, Production News, Productions, Theatre

    Posted on July 2nd, 2012

    Written by Charles


    , ,

    Fawlty Towers

    Fawlty Towers

    October 16 -20
    This production of Fawlty Towers will feature 3 episodes from one of the most celebrated and funny T.V. Sit-Coms of all time. They are:-
    Basil the Rat.
    The confusion and chaos that ensues when a food inspector makes a surprise inspection, leads to Basil‘s discovery that Manuel keeps a pet rat also named Basil which [...]

  • Auditions, Production News, Productions, Theatre

    Posted on May 16th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    Auditions - Fawlty Towers

    Auditions – Fawlty Towers

    Sunday July 8th at 5pm & Monday 9th July at 7.30pm
    The production (Dates October 16 -21) will consist of 3 episodes of Fawlty Towers.
    The following are the the characters which will be central to the play.
    Basil Fawlty. Age 40-50
    Sybil Fawlty. : 35-50
    Manuel :: 30-50
    Polly. : 25-35
    The Major. : 55 plus.
    Miss Gatsby. :
    Miss Tibbs. :
    Terry the [...]

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    Newer Posts Yeah! There are more posts, check them out.
