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News & Reviews Hay Fever Auditions
17th May

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Hay Fever Auditions

Directed by Chris Bissex
Playing Dates: 15th - 20th October

Audition Dates: Sunday 29th July at 3 pm, Tuesday 31st July at 7.30pm
Meet in the bar.

Written in 1924, Hay Fever takes place in the Thames-side home of David Bliss, popular writer of romantic novels, his madly theatrical wife Judith, recently retired from the West End stage, and their son and daughter, Simon & Sorel. It emerges that, unknown to the others, each has invited someone for the weekend. And here the fun begins, as the Bliss family obliviously ignore each other's guest, and continue to behave in their normal, impolite manner, blissfully unaware of the discomfort they are causing. This is a play in the highest mood of fantastic comedy, deliciously heartless and, therefore, deliciously alive & fresh.

Judith Bliss:
ex-actress, highly theatrical, rather vague and self-obsesssed, early 50s. Very good part.
David Bliss: Judith;s husband, 50s - 60s - a novelist immersed in his writings, a little more conventional than the rest of the family, but not much. Can be quite irascible. Good, moderate length part.
Sorel Bliss: 19 year old daughter, unconventional, bohemian, outspoken. Good part.
Simon Bliss: early 20s, an artist, untidy, bohemian, unconventional. Good part.
Myra Arundel: 30s, a femme fatale who regards her ill-mannered hosts with a deadpan balefulness. Good part.
Richard Greatham: a diplomat, 30s, grey-haired, tall, rather conventional but game for anything. Good part.
Jackie Coryton: a gigling flapper, small, shingle-haired, rather ingenuous & dim. 18-20s. Good part.
Sandy Tyrell: a fresh looking young man, early 20s, has an unspoilt, youthful sense of humour and rather big hands! Quite conventionally 1920s in appearance & manner. Good part.
Clara: the housekeeper, a hot, round, untidy little woman, who was Judith's dresser. Average sized part.

Rehearsals will begin in the last two weeeks of August, and successful auditionees will be expected to make a commitment of two to three rehearsals a week.

If you would like to be considered for a part, please come along on either of the audition dates. If you cannot make either date, but would still like to be considered, ring Chris on 01737 249815.

Links: Hay Fever,

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