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News & Reviews Gin Game
28th August

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Gin Game

Everybody gets old; its a fact of fife. Our state of mind, temperament and general altitude will inevitably be shaped by our lifetime experiences Most of us will be fortunate enough to have more good experiences than bad, and hopefully we won't experience too many disasters.

For some people however, file experiences can leave them bitter, twisted and distrustful of their fellow man. Can hope triumph over years of festering resentment? Gin Game explores this sad situation, but we find there can still be humour and interest in new relationships. Will Richard control his frustrations and win the day? Will Fiona cope with his outbursts of hostility to cement a relationship?

The only way to find out is to book your tickets early, as I am sure this play will sell out fast. A Pulitzer Prize winner makes it a must on your list of things to do this September, don't miss it.

Links: The Gin Game,

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