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News & Reviews 95%!
28th January

News & Reviews

Prompt Corner: About Shakespeare's Globe

The Nomes

Beyond the Gauze

Calling all Nomads! Arnie's Evening

News & Reviews

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That's what we actually sold for the pantomime. Add in comps and the total audience reached 98.4%.

Something of a triumph, and not only in terms of sales. This was a real success all the way through. A great production, a talented cast, plenty of true pantomime fun, and not an innuendo in sight. There might have been a temptation to flaunt our new toys - the flying gear and revolve - but they were used only where they would be properly effective. A landmark production, and a great start to the year.

Our reviewer said, after praise for all concerned, "All in all a delighfully bouncy family show, with touchingly tender scenes between the Prince and Cinderella and some impressive special effects."

After each show a small group of the cast (not always the same ones!) tidied up and cleaned the auditorium, and on the Sunday after the show some 30 people turned out and cleaned the building from top to bottom. We owe them all thanks for this dedication.

Links: Cinderella,

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