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News & Reviews Ben Elton's Popcorn AUDITIONS!
7th October

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Ben Elton's Popcorn AUDITIONS!

Cast List
Bruce Delamitri
- Hollywood film director 40s/40s
Karl Brezner - The Producer of Bruce's films 30s/60
Velvet Delamitri - Bruce's teenage daughter 16 - 25
Farrah Delamitri - Bruce's newly divorced wife 30s/40s

Wayne (male) and Scout (female) - Violent latter-day Bonnie and Clydes notorious killers 20s/30s

Brooke Daniels - Nude model and actress
Kirsten - TV presenter 20-50
Bill - TV camera crew 20-50

Those who audition must be available for all rehearsals, the week of the show in Horsley (30th July - 3rd August) and the week of the show in Edinburgh (12th - 17th August).

Fundraising events in July are intended to provide some subsidy for fares and accommodation in Edinburgh.

For further details please contact Brandon McGuire on 01273 720985

Links: Popcorn,

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