News & Reviews
22nd August

From the Editor's Desk

Shirley Valentine Show

From the Editor's Desk

AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp

AUDITIONS: Allo' Allo'


Nomad News

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Nomad News: April 2006

Stories in this Issue:
Talking Heads
Drama Workshops
New Play
Film Night Postponed
Poetry and a Pint
Mistero Buffo Captivates Nomads
Nomads helping others
BOX OFFICE: Stop the World I want to get off
Nomes Term Starts
The Tuesday Crew
Prompt Corner

Talking Heads

It has been necessary to make some changes to the plays chosen for Talking Heads to be performed in the Studio Theatre in June.  Two of the monologues originally chosen are now unavailable for performance, so the line up is now:

A Cream Cracker Under The Settee
performed by Joan Partridge

 A Chip In The Sugar
performed by John Irwin

 Her Big Chance
performed by Victoria Stephens


Links: Talking Heads,

Drama Workshops
The Inclusive Drama Workshops during three weeks in April are proving to be very successful. Over 80 people have signed on for them. In addition many Nomads are helping with the organisation by collecting participants from various places, serving refreshments, helping the actors fill in surveys about their reactions to the workshops and generally keeping the theatre tidy and warm. Many thanks to them all.

There are one or two places still left on Friday 21 April for the one day Voice and Speech Workshop. Any one of any age interested in joining this session should phone Sarah Thomas on 01483 284070. You will be most welcome.


New Play
We eagerly await the delivery of the final script for our newly commissioned play for young people, Adam and Eve and Eric.  This should be with us just after Easter, and we hope to get the production team into gear shortly thereafter.  More details in the next Nomad News.

Film Night Postponed
The film afternoon originally scheduled for May 7 has been postponed to a  date in the autumn.  Watch this space for further details on the date and time.



Poetry and a Pint
There will be another Poetry and a Pint on 8 July at 8pm—please start collecting together your favourite pieces to share. 

Most seats have been sold for the trip on Thursday 16 June to Chichester Festival Theatre to see Rodger's and Hammerstein's musical Carousel . The matinee performance starts at 2 pm.  There are just 12 seats left so if you want join the party please get your order in now.  Cost inclusive of theatre ticket and coach is £27.00.  The ticket alone at normal prices would cost more than that.  Bring your own picnic lunch or make use of the Chic Lounge and Cafe.  Send your order with a cheque made out to "the Nomads" to Sylvia McKinley, High Park, Forest Road, East Horsley, KT24 5BA. Don't delay!

Mistero Buffo Captivates Nomads
Billed as a unique event in the theatre, Antonio Venturino’s Mistero Buffo (by Dario Fo) considerably surpassed this description!  Quotes from the Manchester Evening News and The Stage describe this exceptional artist:  Antonio Venturino is one of Italy’s national treasures – a truly unique theatre experience” and “leaves the audience dazzled by its pace and madness”.   Verbal and body language in Italian, English, French, American and gobbledegook all featured in the physical style of the Commedia dell’ Arte.  The perfect balance and humour of his performance, using a brilliant repertoire of noises from a buzzing fly to a Papal procession along with the stylised movement and precise use of the mask, captivated us all. 

The discipline of the mask is something that takes many years to perfect – Antonio has given his life to it - but all aspiring actors would do well from exposure to the lessons the mask provides.  Every body movement needs to be in harmony and rhythm with the mask, if the performance is to be convincing.  We were indeed privileged to see such a performance on the Nomad stage.  Antonio is only one of two actors permitted by Dario Fo to perform this show. It may be too much to hope that Antonio will one day return to East Horsley, as he is planning to start a physical theatre school later this year in Milan.  If he does return, I shall be first in line for tickets! To complete the evening’s success Antonio’s performance raised over £700 towards the running the Acting for All workshops.


Nomads helping others
You may remember reading in Nomad News last year, the tribute to Elizabeth Grimstone written by her daughter Jill Evans.  Elizabeth used to make many of the Nomads costumes, and Jill is carrying on her talents as wardrobe manager for the theatre.  In another life Jill is a GP, and is involved in a humanitarian project to help a 12-year-old boy named Andre from Moldova.  Jill has donated Elizabeth’s legacy to bring Andre to the UK for assessment, and hopes to raise the rest of the money needed to bring him over again for an operation to be carried out by experienced surgeons in this country.  And a surgeon from Moldova will be invited to come and learn the technique, for the benefit of future patients in Moldova.  Read what Jill says below:

 Andre is a twelve year old Moldovan boy who suffered massive burns from his feet to his head when an electrical shock was conducted through his body from the power supply in his local power station leaving a large hole in his skull.  Thankfully he lived—something that Andre celebrates constantly.  The Moldovan doctors worked hard to save Andre’s life and have treated his burns.  To deal with the large defect in his skull, the doctors did the only thing they could—they grafted skin to cover the hole.  This will at least prevent infection getting into his brain, but because there is no hard covering, the slightest knock could prove fatal.  For this reason, Andre must remain a prisoner in the one-room flat that is his home, not daring to go outside to play like other boys of his age, for fear of damaging his head.  He has not been able to attend school for over a year.

 In order to live any kind of normal life, Andre needs a proper repair to the defect—by the fitting of a titanium plate.  We are supporting the charity which is trying to help Andre and a titanium plate has been made from funds already raised.  In addition we have found a surgeon and an anaesthetist locally who are willing to provide their expertise and services free of charge in their own time.  Andre has already made a visit to the UK, a trip funded by the charity, during which he and his mother stayed with charity workers.  During his visit he met, and was examined by the surgeon who has volunteered his services.  We will also need volunteer nurses to help with the operation, but we are optimistic that a team of such people will be found.  What we cannot provide free of charge, of course, are the theatre and laboratory facilities which will be needed to carry out this surgery and his post operative care.  This is  expensive and we will need to raise approximately £10,000, in a matter of just a few weeks.

 An additional benefit will be that a neurosurgeon from Moldova will be invited to observe the procedure to learn some of the technical skills involved in the operation—this will allow similar operations to be carried out in Moldova in the future.

If you have any business contacts or know of any sources of funding for situations such as Andre’s plight please let us know as soon as possible.  Organisations such as your local school or church may wish to contribute.

If  you would like to give individually, donations can be sent direct to me at Tamarisk Lodge, Manor Close, East Horsley, KT24 6SB. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Andre’s Fund’.  Please see for more information on Andre.

 As Andre is unable to go outside, he spends much of his time watching television and has become interested in current affairs and politics.  He is a bright boy who has already recognised that there are problems in his country, and his ambition is to become the President of Moldova, so that he can sort them out!  His positive attitude is an example to us all.

If you feel that you can help Jill to help Andre, please donate generously or get in touch if you have ideas for fundraising.  Steve Williams, a former Nomad, is organising a concert in aid of the fund.  Several Nomads have already donated—thank you all.


BOX OFFICE: Stop the World I want to get off
Stop the World I Want to Get Off

Marianne Raye will be doing the box office for the next production.  The box office will be open on the following Saturday mornings from 10am to 12:30:

· 22 April

· 29 April

· 6 May

· 13 May

If you would like to see this production please pop in to book your tickets or call the box office number and leave a message, and Marianne will get back to you.

The box office phone line is monitored remotely by volunteers.  Please don’t fret if you don’t hear from us immediately—we will respond as soon as we pick up your message.

Nomes Term Starts
Term starts again on Thursday 20 and Saturday 22 April.  At the time of writing there were spaces in some classes.  Dylan and Luis will be working with the Nomes towards our Summer Show on 1/2 July.  All parents should have received a copy of the Theatre's new Child Protection Policy.  If you have not yet heard from me about your Nome's place, please contact me.

Tom Stevenson

01483 282954


The Tuesday Crew
The Tuesday crew needs a few more handy people to join the team—please get in touch for more details or just turn up on a Tuesday evening at 8pm.  The Crew build all the sets for Nomads shows, but we always make time for a chat and a drink in the bar afterwards.  Do join us!

Prompt Corner
Our guest  speakers at the March luncheon were Richard Fentiman and Emma Starr.   Richard and Emma met at Seeability.  Richard was a music teacher and Emma was drama tutor.   Richard trained at Trinity College of Music in London and St. Catherine's Drama School, Guildford.  He has produced and directed many musical projects across the country and presently freelances.    Emma also trained at St. Catherines and has established herself as director of integrated theatre.  She and Richard formed the Scarab Theatre Company.  Richard has been involved with our Play in a Week almost since it started.  Three years ago at the theatre  they began a training programme for able-bodied and disabled from many organisations including Seeability, Queen Elizabeth’s and The Grange.  We were shown a video of last years workshop which was entitled “Riverdance!”.  It demonstrated well how people with all types of disabilities can play a part on stage.  Using a wheel chair does not stop people from joining in dance numbers and differing floor coverings can aid the movement of visually impaired people on stage.  These workshops are spread over three days, and at the end, performers are able to present the entire project.

 In April, our guest speaker will be Hannah-Faith Dix.  Hannah is the Drama Development Officer for the Surrey County Council.  Her talk will be entitled “Surrey County Arts—how we promote, develop and support the arts within the county of Surrey”.  She will be assisted by Mary Branson.  Our luncheon will be held on Wednesday, 19th April.   Any member wishing to contact me, will they please ring me on 01483 283507 no later than Sunday 16th April.

Our speaker in May will be Karl Newman.  He is the Projects Funding Consultant for Surrey County Council’s Community Sector.  He will bring some examples of work by deaf or disabled artists.



 By Pooch Eros

The end of the month will seem quite calm after the stormy relationships and recriminations of the first days of April.  You may have been lucky enough to witness a world premiere event in the middle of the month.  Much studious effort is being expended by many in the pursuit of artistic excellence, and there may be opportunities still to become involved.  The Easter month is the time for families, reflection, friends and charity.  Wherever you are spending yours, have an enjoyable celebration.



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