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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (2002)
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (
Directed By
Colin Swift
Claire Derriman
Production Type
Nomads Production
Production Location
Main Theatre
User Rating:
/5 with 4 votes)
Flier Summary:
One of the most powerful stories ever written, immortalised on the Silver Scrren with Jack Nicholson. The play is the story of a rogue who commits himself temporarily to a mental institution rather than work in prison. He transforms the home, charming everyone, except the fierce martinet of a head nurse, and works wonders with a presumed deaf and dumb Indian.
Like most people, I came to this play via the sensational Milos Foreman film, starring Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher. The film is undoubtedly amoungst the finest ever made, and watching it again is always a delight.
The original novel, written by Ken Kesey, one of the "bad boys" of American literature in the 1950s and 1960s, was adapted for the stage by Dale Wasserman and first staged in 1963, starring Kirk Douglas as Randle P McMurphy. A later production starred a young Danny de Vito as Martini, a role he recreated in the film.
The play tries to resolve the issue of wheather the system, as operated by Nurse Ratched, is the way to help and ultimately cure the patients; or is the best way forward for these men to follow the wild, reckless, exciting ways of the streetwise and good-natured McMurphy. The play develops into a head-to-head between these two main protagonists, that tells a story that is compelling, comic and finally, tragic.
Whilst the story has been around in its various guises for over 40 years, it remains utterly contemporary. Of all the plays I have been involved in over too many years, it remains the one that touches me most. I trust that it will touch you too.
Colin Swift
The Nomads are pleased to be part of the Mole Valley Arts Alive 2002 Festival sponsored by KBR (formerly Halliburton Brown and Root). We are most grateful for the financial support we have received from the Festival Committee.
The Nomads would also like to thank Guildford Museu for the display featuring local mental institutions over the centuries.
The Nomads wish to thank
The Guildford Nuffield Hospital
and the
Guildford Red Cross
for supplying the hospital equipment.
Production Dates & Prices:
Please note Booking Information
Members Price
Tuesday 22nd October 2002
Wednesday 23rd October 2002
Thursday 24th October 2002
Friday 25th October 2002
Saturday 26th October 2002
(in programme order)
Colin Swift
... Chief Bromden
Glenn Reynolds
... Aide Warren
Tristan Carter
... Aide Williams
Hilary Swift
... Nurse Ratched
Kate Raye
... Nurse Flinn
Tim Spencer
... Dale Harding
Edd Mott
... Billy Bibbit
John Norris
... Scanlon
Wally Ross Gower
... Cheswick
Phillip Griffith
... Martini
Colin Clyde
... Ruckly
Damien de Roche
... Randel P. McMurphy
Clive Mott
... Dr. Spivey
Bernadette O'Sullivan
... Candy Starr
Stan Crattier
... Aide Turkle
Nikki Tidy
... Sandra
(in programme order)
Colin Swift
Claire Derriman
Stage Manager
Claire Derriman
Brandon McGuire
Set Design
Gordon Hilliker
Set Construction
Tom Thomas
Set Construction
David Payne
Set Construction
Roger Brandon-Jones
Set Construction
Sarah Thomas
Set Construction
Charles Hope
Set Construction
Brandon McGuire
Set Construction
Tim Williams
Sound Operator
Charles Hope
Lighting Designer
Jane Martin
Lighting Operator
Helen Longes
Lisa Arnold
Hilary Swift
Costume Design
Phillip Griffith
Poster Design
Phillip Griffith
Programme Design
Phillip Griffith
Francis Pindar
Front of House Manager
Susan Pindar
Front of House
Scene 1
The Day Room in a ward of a State Mental Hospital somewhere in North America
Scene 1
The Day Room in a ward of a State Mental Hospital somewhere in North America
Official Review:
the review
All is calm at the Mental Hospital. The nurses are efficient, the aides contemptuous of the patients, group therapy is the order of the day. Suddenly enter a roaring boy, transferred from the State Penitentiary who is palpably not mad and who has worked his passage for an easy ride and to fleece the inmates at cards. He decides to wage war against the senior nurse, encourages the inmates to rebel and 'party' and quickly works his spell over minds much frailer than his. Will he triumph over Nurse Ratched?
For much of the play you run with McMurphy. The Hospital regime is repressive and, given the treatments of that time, 1960, positively brutal. The patients are controlled by a dependence culture, also subtle reminders of their life outside, 'What would mother say? There is also the presence of shock therapies and surgery. That is how it was in those days.
McMurphy's waywardness tips the balance, an inmate fevered by 'partying' slashes his own throat, McMurphy having already been given electric shock treatment is lobotomised. He is then mercy killed by the most extreme patient, a Red Indian who has feigned muteness and who becomes the one success story and escapes to return to his reservation. Except this is a psychic victory as he surely will be captured and returned within hours.
This is a play of extremes and an irony. The Hospital's treatments are extreme as is McMurphy's swaggering, shouting and self-absorbed insolence. The irony is that a little of McMurphy would have worked wonders for the patients and probably have been acceptable to the Hospital.
Colin Swift's beautifully choreographed direction presented the inmates as a querulous Greek Chorus, suggesting the tragedy ahead. Fine ensemble acting by all in a variety of mental conditions. Tim Spencer was convincing as their sane but unsure, subtle and persuasive leader, Dale Harding. Cohn Clyde gave a superb performance as the catatonic Ruckly. Billy Bibbit is arguably the most pitiable character in the play and Edd Mott gave a well-judged and emotional performance of this stuttering, self hunting paranoid. The Hospital staff gave full support with Hillary Swift's Nurse Ratched, logically well intentioned but with a heart of ice, every bit a match for Damien de Roche's McMurphy, a bravura performance giving us an amoral, deceitful but kindly ruffian whose developing relationship with the Red Indian (sensitively played by Colin Swift) becomes touching and redemptive.
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Successful Charity Night For MENCAP
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Cast for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest [1975]
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (script)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest [1975]
User Reviews:
A great show!
10th December 2002
Francis Pindar
You just couldn't fault the cast! an amazing show. I even heard one person say "This is the best show I have ever seen the Nomads do!".
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