The Nomads Theatre
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Production Sponsors
17th May

News & Reviews
'Viva La Costa' Gala Night - May 14th.

Club Night - Apr 26th @ 8pm

Tuesdays are the new Fridays!

'Acting for All' workshops - full details

The making of 'War Horse' - Mar 30th @ 8pm

News & Reviews

Mortiboys Dental Health Centre

Support our Sponsors as they have supported us!

Dentistry is a fascinating subject and everyone has a story to tell? Our aim is to give a professional caring experience which will inspire you to achieve the Dentist's dream:- "Preventative Care!"

Now, for the first time in this area you have the opportunity to visit an Integrated Dental Health Centre. Providing you with all the information and help you require to achieve maximum dental, hygiene & physical health.

  • Our philosophy is one of integrated Dentistry and physical wellbeing, promoting the important link of how teeth may affect your health and your health my affect your health!

  • We offer you a Holistic Approach to your dental and hygiene care.

  • Mercury free centre.

  • State of the art equipment for maximum client benefit and education.

  • Cosmetic Dentistry available: including teeth whitening & veneers.

  • Orthodontics for children and adults.

  • Complementary practices including, Accupunture, Cranial Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy and Spinal Touch work.

    Feel free to telephone us or pop in and have a look around our centre, you are most welcome.

    Tel: 01483 - 281428

    A unique caring environment for dental health & Well-being

    Phoenix House,
    Forest Road
    KT24 5HE

    Tel: 01483 281428
    Fax: 01483 280203

    Productions that Mortiboys Dental Health Centre have Sponsored:
    Canterbury Tales (2002)
    Jack and the Beanstalk (2002)
    Nine (2002)
    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (2002)
    Popcorn (2002)
    The Gin Game (2002)
    The Memory of Water (2002)
    What the Butler Saw (2002)
    Hay Fever (2001)
    Talking Heads (2001)
    The Lover & One For The Road (2001)

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