The Nomads will be presenting Gym & Tonic by John Godber in March 2019, co-directed by Andrew Hamel-Cooke and Moyra Brookes.

  • Performance dates: 5-9 March 2019 
  • Rehearsal days: TBC

Don and Shirley Weston have come to the Scardale Hall Health Hydro to relax, pamper themselves and just possibly rescue their ailing marriage. Don’s experiences with exercise and therapy are far from positive and the rifts in the marriage widen as his mid-life crisis becomes more and more evident, and moments of reconciliation do little to improve the situation!

Characters (inc playing ages)

  • Don Weston - M, 39/40 - unfit (can be padded for weight!)
  • Shirley Weston - F, 37 - Don’s wife, overweight and unfit (can be padded for weight!)
  • Gertrude Tate - F, 60-70 - a worldly, refined woman 
  • Ken Blake - M, 42 - very fit
  • Zoe - F, 25-40 - fitness instructor, step classes etc
  • Chloe - F, 25-40 - attractive masseuse (physical part)
  • Maggie Weston - F, 65 - Don’s mother (small part, one scene unwell)
  • Sam Weston - M, 13 - Don’t son (small scene played by older actor but as a younger version)
  • Shaun - M, 21 - unhappy / uncomfortable student, quite fit
  • Bellboy - M, 20 - small part
  • NB Sam / Shaun / Bellboy could be played by 1 or 2 actors

Gym & Tonic

By John Godber

Directed by Andrew Hamel-Cooke and Moyra Brookes

5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th March at 7:30

Tickets: adults £14, students £10 (adults £12 on Tuesday 5th)

Don and Shirley Weston have come to the Scardale Hall Health Hydro to relax, pamper themselves and just possible rescue their ailing marriage. Don’s experiences with exercise and therapy are far from positive and the rifts in the marriage widen as his mid-life crisis becomes more and more evident, and moments of reconciliation do little to improve the situation!

BOOK NOW - call box office 01483 284747 or

The cast: