Our Charity: The Sustainability Institute

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Did you know that we donate 100% of our distributable profits to charity? By having a great time at our events, you’re helping to support future generations in a very different part of the world - feels pretty good, right?

Our nominated charity, The Sustainability Institute, is a pioneering sustainable living and learning centre based in rural Stellenbosch, South Africa.  Through a series of internationally acclaimed development programmes, The S.I. is making a difference to the quality of life for the families of Lynedoch Village and surrounding area.

Through a series of short films shown before the main feature, fans of our sister cinema, The Lexi are kept up to date with the range of projects in operation at Lynedoch Village, designed to have a positive and lasting effect on the social inequities and environmental calamities in the area.

Past projects include the ongoing development of a crèche for local infants; the provision of school meals, schoolbags and tracksuits; sustainable gardens, solar power and water management systems; after school football, karate and filmmaking clubs for young people – these are just a few examples of the work being done – watch the full range of films to find out more…

So, enjoy the film and the full Nomad experience next time we’re in town, and know that you’re creating a more positive experience of life for another local community, on the other side of the world….

Visit The Sustainabilitiy Institute website…