Written by Jennifer Leigh AllenJuly 1, 2016

“Let’s meet for a drink?” - the typical non-committal first date. You’ve swiped right on someone who seems normal and has refrained from sending you a dirty picture - or maybe they haven’t and you liked what you saw? Whatever floats your boat! You want to take things further, but what if they’re boring? Or creepy? Or, worst of all, not the height they claimed they were?! You want an exit strategy, a quick escape, so… a drink.

And so, you’ve given up before you’ve even begun. What happened to being excited for a first date? What happened to butterflies and hope and anticipation? We should expect more from our first dates; fun, adventure, romance… a first date should be truly memorable – because, what if…?

Enter The Nomad. We give you all of this in three easy pieces, together adding up to the perfect first date.

1. Automatic Talking Point

Often the most painful part of a first date is starting and maintaining a decent conversation. “Where are you from?”, “What do you do?”, “Do you have any siblings?” - tedious. The drink in front of you becomes a lifeline as you need the caffeine or alcohol to make yourself (and them) seem interesting. The Nomad takes this awkwardness away. As soon as you tell your date where you’ll be going, the first twenty minutes of your date are sorted: “So what is pop-up cinema, exactly?”, “Oh wow! I’ve never been to a screening in a cemetery before!”, “I love this film! What about you?”, “It looks so cool! Look at all the camels!”, “I love Divine Chocolate! What flavours do they have?”, “All the profits go to charity?! Wow!”. The ice will be thoroughly broken and common interests shared, all before the movie has even begun.

2. Everyone Likes Movies

It can be hard to come up with something to do when you don’t know a person very well - but everyone like movies – and The Nomad shows an array of films that will satisfy any taste – from mainstream blockbuster to the seriously niche. Is she into action? Great, Total Recall is coming up at the Meantime Brewery! Are they into animation? Great, Inside Out is screening at Victory Park! Are they into something a little bit different! Perfect: Orlando is showing at the National Maritime Museum… No matter what kind of person you’re spending the evening with, you’ll find the right film for them.

3. It’s Romantic

There’s a reason why ‘dinner and a movie’ is the classic date night scenario. Sharing a romantic meal, having a few drinks, then going to sit in the dark for a few hours is a pretty good set up. On your first date you’re getting to know someone, you want to do something romantic, but not too overblown or elaborate (you’re playing it cool!) dinner and a movie is perfect. You can eat the delicious delicacies from the likes of Madame Gautier and Cheeky Burger, have a splendid G&T at the Sipsmith Sipping Bar or actual, proper, good wine, then sit on a Magic Carpet, in the dark, under the stars, getting cosy. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Isn’t that all we really really want from our first date, to be able to look back on it and smile? Having one drink in an over-loud, over-crowded, over-priced London bar will fade from your memory and merge with the countless other “Let’s meet for a drink” nights you’ve had. Discovering a new location, eating great food, drinking good drinks, watching a proper film-lovers’ film - all the while doing good for others? Surely the perfect formula for that perfect first date… and perfect potential partner? …Possibly? Keep us posted!